This directory contains reports for WCCMS. To use a report, download it to your computer, start up WCCMS, and click the Reports button. Then choose Import from the Reports menu. Navigate to the location where you saved the report file, and double-click on the filename. This will add the report to your list of available reports.

These reports are compatible with the latest version of WCCMS (10.x).

Name                                         Size  Last Modified
====                                         ====  =============
Claim Brief Report.mrf                         5K  30-Nov-2017 16:38
Claim Count Report.mrf                         4K  30-Nov-2017 16:38
Claim Detail.mrf                               6K  30-Nov-2017 16:39
Claim Summary Report.mrf                       5K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Claim Wide Summary.mrf                         5K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Current Loss Detail Report.mrf                 7K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Current Loss Summary Report.mrf                6K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Loss Count Report.mrf                          7K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Loss Detail Report.mrf                        10K  30-Nov-2017 16:43
Loss Summary Report.mrf                        6K  30-Nov-2017 16:44
Note Action Report.mrf                         5K  30-Nov-2017 16:44
Note Count Report.mrf                          4K  30-Nov-2017 16:44
Note Report.mrf                                5K  30-Nov-2017 16:44
OSHA 300 Rev. 2004 by Company.mrf             22K  31-Oct-2017 15:44
OSHA 300 Rev. 2004 by Division.mrf            22K  31-Oct-2017 15:44
OSHA 300 Rev. 2004 by Site.mrf                22K  31-Oct-2017 15:44
OSHA 300+301 CSV by Company.mrf                6K  29-Jan-2024 13:51
OSHA 300+301 CSV by Division.mrf               6K  29-Jan-2024 13:51
OSHA 300+301 CSV by Site.mrf                   6K  29-Jan-2024 13:51
OSHA 300+301 CSV.mrf                           6K  29-Jan-2024 13:51
OSHA 300A Rev. 2004 by Company.mrf            18K   3-Nov-2017 13:36
OSHA 300A Rev. 2004 by Division.mrf           18K   3-Nov-2017 13:36
OSHA 300A Rev. 2004 by Site.mrf               18K   3-Nov-2017 13:36
OSHA CSV by Company.mrf                       10K   8-Feb-2018  8:54
OSHA CSV by Division.mrf                      10K   7-Feb-2018 13:25
OSHA CSV by Site.mrf                          10K   7-Feb-2018 13:28
OSHA CSV.mrf                                  10K   1-Dec-2017  9:20
Transaction Billed Report.mrf                  5K  30-Nov-2017 16:45
Transaction Count Report.mrf                   4K  30-Nov-2017 16:45
Transaction Payment Report.mrf                 5K  30-Nov-2017 16:45
Transaction Reserve Report.mrf                 5K  30-Nov-2017 16:45
Transaction Summary Report.mrf                 5K  30-Nov-2017 16:46
Work Status Brief Report.mrf                   7K  30-Nov-2017 16:46
Work Status Count Report.mrf                   5K  30-Nov-2017 16:46
Work Status Detail Report.mrf                  8K  30-Nov-2017 16:46
Work Status Summary Report.mrf                 7K  30-Nov-2017 16:46

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