This directory contains First Report of Injury forms for version 6.1.x of WCCMS. To use a form, download it to your computer, start up WCCMS, choose Form Filler from the Setup menu, and click on the Import button. Navigate to the place where you saved the form file, and double-click on the filename. This will add the form to the list of available forms.

Special instructions for Minnesota: The first page of the Minnesota form will not print properly unless the file Minnesota barcode.bmp is present in your WCCMS data folder. You will need to download Minnesota barcode.bmp and manually copy it into your WCCMS data folder. If you have trouble finding your WCCMS data folder, start up WCCMS, choose About... from the Help menu, and look for a line that starts with the words Data Path.

If you require forms for version 6.2.x of WCCMS or newer, look in the newer forms folder. If you require forms for versions of WCCMS older than, or if you can't find a form you need, please contact MicroNiche.

Warning: The forms on this page are only for 6.1 versions of WCCMS, which is not the current version (for current versions of WCCMS, see the newer forms folder). Because MicroNiche is concentrating its development efforts on the current version of WCCMS, the forms on this page are no longer regularly updated, and most of them are known to be out of date. If you require more recent forms for a 6.1 version of WCCMS, please contact MicroNiche.

Name                                         Size  Last Modified
====                                         ====  =============
Alabama.mff                                    7K  15-Oct-2003 10:28
Alaska p2.mff                                  6K  21-May-2002 10:16
Alaska p3.mff                                  1K  21-May-2002 10:16
Alaska p4.mff                                  2K  21-May-2002 10:16
Alaska p5.mff                                  1K  21-May-2002 10:17
Alaska.mff                                     8K  21-May-2002 10:16
Arizona.mff                                    9K  22-Oct-2002 10:23
Arkansas p2.mff                                1K  24-Apr-2002 12:49
Arkansas p3.mff                                1K  24-Apr-2002 12:49
Arkansas p4.mff                                1K  24-Apr-2002 12:49
Arkansas.mff                                   7K  26-Feb-2004 13:22
California 3067 Back.mff                       2K   7-Apr-2003 11:26
California 3067.mff                           10K   7-Apr-2003 11:26
California 5020.mff                            9K  14-Nov-2002 10:49
Colorado Back.mff                              2K  24-Dec-2003 11:05
Colorado.mff                                   8K  25-Feb-2004  9:34
Connecticut.mff                                7K  15-Aug-2002 11:37
Deleware Back.mff                              1K  26-Oct-2001 13:02
Deleware.mff                                   6K  26-Oct-2001 13:02
Florida.mff                                    8K  24-Apr-2002 14:15
Georgia Back.mff                               4K  24-Apr-2002 14:25
Georgia.mff                                    7K  24-Apr-2002 14:24
Hawaii.mff                                     7K  26-Oct-2001 13:03
IAIABC IA-1 p2.mff                             1K  28-Feb-2002 13:37
IAIABC IA-1 p3.mff                             1K  28-Feb-2002 13:37
IAIABC IA-1.mff                                7K   2-Oct-2002 15:11
Idaho.mff                                      7K  10-Apr-2002 11:12
Illinois.mff                                   4K  15-Nov-2002 15:08
Indiana Instructions.mff                       2K  29-Apr-2002 10:25
Indiana.mff                                    7K  19-Nov-2002  9:58
Iowa Back.mff                                  4K  26-Oct-2001 13:04
Iowa.mff                                       8K  26-Oct-2001 13:04
Kansas Back.mff                                2K  25-Mar-2002 13:40
Kansas.mff                                     6K  27-Aug-2002 15:23
Kentucky Back.mff                              2K   7-May-2002 11:45
Kentucky.mff                                   8K   7-May-2002 11:45
Louisiana.mff                                  5K  26-Oct-2001 13:06
Maine.mff                                      7K  13-Jun-2003 14:10
Maryland.mff                                   8K  26-Oct-2001 13:06
Massachusetts.mff                              5K  16-Jan-2002  9:52
Michigan Back.mff                              1K  27-Nov-2002  9:41
Michigan.mff                                   6K  27-Nov-2002  9:41
Minnesota Back.mff                             2K  19-Jun-2003 14:54
Minnesota barcode.bmp                          1K  21-May-2002 11:19
Minnesota.mff                                  7K  19-Jun-2003 14:53
Mississippi Back.mff                           4K  14-Jan-2003 13:10
Mississippi.mff                                7K  14-Jan-2003 13:09
Missouri Back.mff                              1K  19-Jun-2003 10:57
Missouri.mff                                   7K  19-Jun-2003  9:57
Montana.mff                                   10K  20-Jun-2003 15:18
Nebraska Back.mff                              2K   3-Dec-2002  9:42
Nebraska.mff                                   7K   3-Dec-2002  9:42
Nevada C-3.mff                                10K  26-Feb-2003 11:07
Nevada D-2.mff                                 2K  26-Oct-2001 13:09
Nevada D-8.mff                                 5K  26-Oct-2001 13:09
New Hampshire.mff                              6K  26-Oct-2001 13:09
New Jersey.mff                                 5K  26-Oct-2001 13:09
New Mexico Back.mff                            3K  30-Jun-2003 10:55
New Mexico.mff                                 8K  30-Jun-2003 10:55
New York C-11 Back.mff                         1K  28-Feb-2003 10:24
New York C-11.mff                              4K  28-Feb-2003 10:24
New York C-2 Back.mff                          3K  15-Aug-2002 11:38
New York C-2.mff                               7K  15-Aug-2002 11:38
North Carolina Back.mff                        2K  16-Sep-2002 13:16
North Carolina.mff                             7K  16-Sep-2002 13:16
North Dakota Back.mff                          1K  10-May-2005 13:05
North Dakota.mff                               8K  10-May-2005 13:05
OSHA 301.mff                                   4K  26-Oct-2001 13:13
Ohio.mff                                       8K  10-Dec-2002 13:37
Oklahoma.mff                                   6K  30-Sep-2002 11:20
Oregon EE back.mff                             1K  11-Feb-2002  9:58
Oregon EE.mff                                  5K  11-Feb-2002  9:58
Oregon ER back.mff                             1K  18-Apr-2002 10:32
Oregon ER.mff                                  7K  16-Dec-2002 14:52
Oregon Info.mff                                2K  11-Feb-2002  9:59
Pennsylvania 1.mff                             1K  26-Oct-2001 13:13
Pennsylvania 2.mff                             1K  26-Oct-2001 13:14
Rhode Island.mff                               6K  16-Jul-2003 11:00
South Carolina Back.mff                        2K   8-May-2002 14:43
South Carolina.mff                             8K   8-May-2002 14:42
South Dakota.mff                               7K  30-Jul-2003 15:01
Tennessee.mff                                  9K  26-Feb-2002  9:43
Texas TWCC-1.mff                               8K  12-Jan-2006 12:04
Texas TWCC-3 p2.mff                            5K  20-Sep-2002 12:25
Texas TWCC-3.mff                               6K  20-Sep-2002 12:24
Texas TWCC-3SD p2 Monthly.mff                  4K  11-Dec-2003 14:04
Texas TWCC-3SD p2.mff                          5K  12-Sep-2002 15:09
Texas TWCC-3SD.mff                             5K  12-Sep-2002 15:09
Texas TWCC-6.mff                               5K  12-Jan-2006 14:01
Texas TWCC-73 Other.mff                        8K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Texas TWCC-73 Treating.mff                     8K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Utah State Fund.mff                            9K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Utah.mff                                       8K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Vermont.mff                                    7K  15-May-2002 14:52
Virginia back.mff                              1K   3-May-2002 11:49
Virginia.mff                                   6K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Washington DC.mff                              5K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
Washington.mff                                 8K  26-Oct-2001 13:17
West Virginia back.mff                         2K  13-Dec-2002 13:57
West Virginia.mff                              7K  13-Dec-2002 13:57
Wisconsin p2.mff                               1K  17-Dec-2002 13:57
Wisconsin.mff                                  7K   3-Feb-2003  9:58
Wyoming back.mff                             769   22-Oct-2003 13:56
Wyoming.mff                                    3K  22-Oct-2003 13:55

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